Explainer: What is dopamine? (resource)
Explainer: What is neurotransmission? (resource)
Explainer: How to read brain activity (resource)
basic neuroscience
Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food (paper)
Impact of diet-derived signaling molecules on human cognition: exploring the food–brain axis (paper)
Food for thought: how nutrition impacts cognition and emotion (paper)
Eating Right, Thinking Right (resource)
Does drinking alcoholic drinks always kill brain cells? (resource)
Humans and Caffeine—A Very Long Relationship (paper)
We Are Never Alone: Living with the Human Microbiota (paper)
critical choices
Traumatic brain injuries (resource)
Preventing concussions in sports (resource)
Caring for Your Brain: What You Need to Know about Concussions (paper)
Taking On Traumatic Brain Injury From All Angles (resource)
What Is Spinal Cord Injury? (paper)
Explainer: What is a concussion? (resource)
Does drug use make holes in your brain? (resource)
Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (resource)
Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) (resource)
Explainer: The nico-teen brain (resource)
Does playing games keep your brain young? (resource)
Your brain is like a muscle: use it and make it strong (resource)
Can Money Buy You a Better Brain? What Do You Think? (paper)
How Smartphones Keep You Awake. (resource)
Screen time can mess with the body’s ‘clock’ (resource)
Out-of-whack body clock causes more than sleepiness (resource)
Evening screen time can sabotage sleep (resource)
How does marijuana affect brain function? (resource)
Does Pot Cause Your Brain to Rot? (resource)
Marijuana: Facts for Teens (resource)
Marijuana as Medicine (resource)
Marijuana (resource)
Learning While Distracted (resource)
How Do Kids and Grown-Ups Get Distracted in Everyday Situations? (paper)
When smartphones go to school (resource)
Going to school to sculpt the brain (resource)
Why Too Much Stress Is Bad For You (resource)
Understanding the Stress Response (paper)
Stress: An Overview (resource)
How does the brain handle long-term stress? (resource)
Chronic stress (resource)
Have No Fear, the Brain is Here! How Your Brain Responds to Stress (paper)
Explainer: What is anxiety? (resource)
Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep (paper)
Healthy Sleep (paper)
Why Do We Sleep? (resource)
What happens to your brain when you are sleep-deprived? (resource)
The Secret to Memory? A Good Night’s Sleep (paper)
How Smartphones Keep You Awake (resource)
How Sleep Clears the Brain (paper)
Why sleep? (resource)
For teens, a good mood depends on good sleep (resource)