Created by Leo, Dave and Serena

Here's what they had to say about creating this movie:

The message of our film is to communicate to people how stress can affect the brain. Everyone deals with stress on a daily basis. We wanted to explore the symptoms of stress and what it does to our bodies.

We are presenting our film as a stop motion animation that we worked on over the past week. It is an educational film that is presented in a narrative and a short story format. For the majority of our props we used plasticine to make them more realistic.

To create the title we used construction paper and markers provided by the teachers. The set was created with cardboard which was used to make 2 sets. Some highlights of our film are the scene of the diagram and the title page. The diagram was created with the help of our group and teachers. The title page has so many features from different people.

Each teacher has given us ideas to improve our animation in a different way: sound effects, props, format vocabulary, and some have even helped us focus throughout the week. Our group says THANK YOU to all the teachers. Our group wants to say that we have had one of the greatest experiences in the Bright Lights Animation Camp. 
