Created by Keva, Bruce and Jeeya 

Here's what they had to say about creating this movie:

The message of the film is to demonstrate how sleep affects our brain and the reasons why we should sleep. Our work is an informative film that is made with many different parts.

We started the process by researching our topics and then writing a storyboard which was the foundation for our movie. The materials used were clay for the puppets, paper, marker and other crafting materials for the sets and props.

All our shots were from birds eye view which was taken using a camera which transferred the photos to our computer. We also used sound effects to give the movie more realism and to increase the audience’s engagement.

Our teachers and mentors played a big role in the making of our movie. They inspired us and always went out of their way to make sure we were comfortable and happy with our animation.

Overall, the experience taught us many new things. Firstly, about how sleep affects the brain, then how to create an effective film, the long and tedious process of making a movie and most importantly, teamwork. 
